Indigenous Language Revitalization in the Americas (2016, Hardcover) by download MOBI, FB2


As a field of study and a social practice, language revitalization has grown exponentially in tandem with escalating language endangerment throughout the world. This volume examines the current state of Indigenous language revitalization in the Americas. Focusing on the Americas, home to 15 percent of the world's Indigenous population, it explores past and recent language revitalization research and initiatives across this vast territory, including "top-down" (official) and "bottom-up" (grassroots) language planning and policy. The book is organized thematically and regionally, with complementary chapters representing work in Canada, the U.S., and the circumpolar North, and in Latin America and the Caribbean. Offering state-of-the-art scholarship and analysis of practice in Indigenous language revitalization throughout the hemisphere, this singular collection, with chapters by both established and emerging scholars - Indigenous and non-Indigenous, all with strong expertise in their topic - is an invaluable resource to widen the research horizon and deepen regional and cross-regional perspectives on language revitalization for Indigenous peoples., Focusing on the Americas - home to 40 to 50 million Indigenous people - this book explores the history and current state of Indigenous language revitalization across this vast region. Complementary chapters on the USA and Canada, and Latin America and the Caribbean, offer a panoramic view while tracing nuanced trajectories of "top down" (official) and "bottom up" (grass roots) language planning and policy initiatives. Authored by leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, the book is organized around seven overarching themes: Policy and Politics; Processes of Language Shift and Revitalization; The Home-School-Community Interface; Local and Global Perspectives; Linguistic Human Rights; Revitalization Programs and Impacts; New Domains for Indigenous Languages Providing a comprehensive, hemisphere-wide scholarly and practical source, this singular collection simultaneously fills a gap in the language revitalization literature and contributes to Indigenous language revitalization efforts., Focusing on the Americas home to 40 to 50 million Indigenous people this book explores the history and current state of Indigenous language revitalization across this vast region. Complementary chapters on the USA and Canada, and Latin America and the Caribbean, offer a panoramic view while tracing nuanced trajectories of "top down" (official) and "bottom up" (grass roots) language planning and policy initiatives. Authored by leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, the book is organized around seven overarching themes: Policy and Politics; Processes of Language Shift and Revitalization; The Home-School-Community Interface; Local and Global Perspectives; Linguistic Human Rights; Revitalization Programs and Impacts; New Domains for Indigenous Languages Providing a comprehensive, hemisphere-wide scholarly and practical source, this singular collection simultaneously fills a gap in the language revitalization literature and contributes to Indigenous language revitalization efforts. "

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